Excel reconciliation is avaiable in a creative way by Armarecon to save your time by atleat 80%. The main concept of Armarecon is to match figures with each other then present unmatched figures as open items.

Imagine we have an account with the below movement details:

Armarecon training image (Bank reconciliation excel add-ins ) - excel screen 1 related to concept of armarecon

For finding open items, we need to match figures which are related to each other like:

  • Debit and credit amounting $ 21 is related to James
  • Debit and credit amounting $ 81 is related to Natalie

As you can see in the below table we have added a new column called “Matching” then we connected figures by numbers. For example number 1 matches a debit amount of 21 $ and its related credit amount.

Armarecon training image (Bank reconciliation excel add-ins ) - excel screen 2 related to concept of armarecon

In the next step of Excel reconciliation , we will filter matching column for empty cells so we will have the below picture:

Armarecon training image (Bank reconciliation excel add-ins ) - excel screen 3 related to concept of armarecon

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