
Excel reconciliation is avaiable in a creative way by Armarecon to save your time by atleat 80%. The main concept of Armarecon is to match figures with each other then present unmatched figures as open items. Imagine we have an account with the below movement details:...

Effective reconciliation

There are some tips that helps you to perform effective reconciliation of accounts. We update this part based on feedback of users in future. Save your file with new version within matching process in order to not miss data in case of hanging. As first step, use...

[Ref Balance] button

Click [Ref Balance] button after that program will add a column contains balance of matching references. Therefore, you can create a PIVOT table to do more analysis for matching balances. Balance of matching references 11 and 12 are not zero in above picture. Previous...

Removing Errors

You can change cells with error value to zero or blank cells by clicking  button. Check box switches the functionality of button between Zero and blank. Select cells then click the button to remove the errors. Previous user manual :  Matching control sheet Next user...

Matching control sheet

Armarecon automativcally creats this sheet at first run or you can create it by clicking “Match CNT” button. This sheet includes some information to assist you to control matching process. Row A shows list of matching references. Row B shows balance of matching...